New and old for 2013

January 05, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

Happy New Year everyone!  As the title suggests, I am embarking on some new adventures for 2013, and I also am taking on some restoration projects of old prints, slides and film.

For new I am looking forward to more services and product offerings.   I also want to expand on my landscape, nature and abstract photography. 

To blend old and new, I have a different sort of photography project to bring out that merges the past with the present.  More on that in another post, once I have it ready to introduce.

And for the old, I have a couple of slide and print restoration projects underway.  The slides are exciting to work on, because you can't really see the details until they are scanned and displayed on the big monitor.  Then I apply several techniques to restore color and quality while removing dust and scratch defects.  The prints I have to restore range in quality from OK through damaged and into one that is in pieces and needs major restoration. 

So with some time on my hands over the holiday break I started scanning.  I also started cleaning out the basement, we have lost things in boxes and really needed to organize.  I came across some old 110 film from when I was a kid.  This film fit into a camera that was about the size of two iPhones stacked on top of each other.  It was a pocket camera with a plastic viewfinder not connected to the lens, so you were really pointing and shooting!  These rolls may contain photos I took, or family photos from the 1970s.  There is a good chance that time and conditions have ruined any images that are contained.  But I am willing to give it a shot, this is my 35 year old time capsule and I am hoping to dig up some sort of treasure.

I have done some web research and chosen to go with for the processing.  They seem to have good experience and have been recommended by several others. Once I get the prints and negatives back I might be able to scan them and bring out more detail . . .  if there is anything at all left.  I will make another post when the results are in!

If there is anything I can do for you, photography or restoration, please contact me at [email protected].



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